York Personal Injury Lawyer

Were you injured by someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing in York, South Carolina? You may be entitled to compensation. Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys can help you file a personal injury claim for your medical bills, other expenses, pain and suffering, and more. Contact our law offices in York at (803) 902 7399 today for more information.

We’re one of South Carolina’s top-rated personal injury law firms. Since 1980, our York personal injury lawyers have recovered over $100 million for our clients. With 150 years of combined experience, our attorneys are prepared to maximize your compensation no matter the complexity of your case.

We offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions and provide legal advice.

Why Should I Hire Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys To Handle My Personal Injury Case? 

Why Should I Hire Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys To Handle My Personal Injury Case? 

Insurance companies are involved in almost every personal injury case. These for-profit businesses are not looking out for your best interests. On the contrary, they will do whatever they can to pay as little for your claim as possible. Without a York personal injury attorney in your corner, you risk walking away with less than you are due under state law.

Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys has been winning cases for victims in the area for decades. Our personal injury lawyers in York have been featured on national news outlets like ABC, CNN, and more because of their outstanding legal services. If you hire us to represent you after an accident in South Carolina, we can:

  • Investigate your accident
  • Detail your damages
  • Identify the responsible parties
  • Hire professionals and experts
  • Negotiate a full settlement
  • Handle the communications
  • File a lawsuit in York County if necessary

Reach out to our experienced trial attorneys in York, SC, today to learn about your legal rights and options. We can review your case at no cost to you whatsoever.

Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

South Carolina personal injury law is expansive, so you can almost always file a claim after an accident. In fact, anyone whose actions (or inaction) contributed to the cause of your accident injuries may be held liable. You can also potentially file a claim regardless of whether their behavior was negligent (careless), intentional, or reckless.

Examples of scenarios that could lead to a case include:

  • You are hit by another driver while in your motor vehicle
  • You’re prescribed the wrong medication by your doctor or healthcare provider
  • After using a defective product, you end up suffering an injury or illness
  • You slip and fall while at a business establishment due to an unsafe condition, causing an injury

It isn’t always obvious whether you can take legal action. We encourage you to contact our personal injury lawyers for a free consultation even if you aren’t clear on the matter.

Why Should I Hire a York Personal Injury Lawyer?

The main reason to hire a York personal injury lawyer is to recover as much compensation as you can. Even after attorney’s fees are subtracted, you will likely walk away with more money than you would without a lawyer. A few reasons why this is likely true include:

  • The defendant (at-fault party) in your case will likely have legal representation. Businesses and insurance companies have entire departments of legal professionals on their side. With a personal injury attorney, you level the playing field.
  • Personal injury lawyers can leverage extensive resources to help you. For example, they can hire experts to either assist in proving your claim or determining how much it is really worth. 
  • You may be blamed for your accident because per state law, you can receive reduced or eliminated compensation if you are partially responsible. Your personal injury lawyer can represent your interests and respond effectively.
  • You deserve to take all the time you need to rest and recover, not worry about handling a legal claim. Your attorney can pursue compensation while you focus on your medical treatment.

These are just a few reasons why it might make sense to hire a personal injury attorney in York for your claim. Contact our legal team today to learn more about the process and how we can assist.

Why Should I File a Personal Injury Claim in York?

Filing a personal injury claim is likely the only way you can receive money damages for your injuries. The responsible party won’t accept full liability for your losses on their own; you will need to seek legal recourse either through an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit.

Most cases begin and end as insurance claims. Your personal injury lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company for a settlement agreement. If a full amount can be agreed to, your case will likely end at that stage.

However, sometimes liability is in dispute, or your case might involve complex issues. The opposing party might also refuse to negotiate. In these circumstances, your attorney might advise that you file a lawsuit and take your case to court.

Before settling your claim, contact our lawyers for a free consultation. We can help you determine whether the offer you have received is fair.

We Handle All Personal Injury Cases in York, SC

With 150 years of experience in total, you can rest assured our lawyers have the skills necessary to help you effectively. Some of our law firm’s primary practice areas include cases involving:

Slip and Fall Accidents

If you slip and fall on another person’s property (public or private), you may be able to file a premises liability claim. However, you might need to sue a powerful corporation or other entity. Our York slip and fall accident lawyers are here to assist.

Car Accidents

South Carolina is an “at-fault” state, so you can pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against the driver who caused your crash. Our trusted York car accident lawyers can evaluate your legal options and advise you on how best to proceed from there.

Workers’ Compensation

If you sustain an injury or illness while at work, you might have multiple options for seeking compensation. Workers’ comp is almost always available to you, but you might also have the chance to file a lawsuit. Our York workers’ compensation lawyers can help you every step of the way.

Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one in an accident is highly traumatic, and no amount of money could ever make up for what happened. Our compassionate York wrongful death attorneys are here to help you through this time with a sense of justice and financial stability going forward if that is something you may be open to.

Truck Accidents

Trucks usually cause serious injuries and damage when they are involved in accidents. Fortunately, these can actually be some of the highest-value claims because multiple parties might be responsible. Learn more by reaching out to our York truck accident lawyers.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles offer a thrilling experience, but they are also relatively dangerous compared with automobiles. Nonetheless, you deserve all of the compensation available to you under South Carolina law. Our York motorcycle accident lawyers can help.

These are just a few examples of our practice areas. Get in touch with us for a free consultation after any type of motor vehicle accident or injury-causing incident. 

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

Many factors can influence what your York personal injury case is worth. Our legal team thoroughly evaluates every case we take on because that is how we can demand full compensation from the defendant. We will consider the following as we add up your damages:

  • How severe are your injuries?
  • Do you share any blame?
  • Will you make a full medical recovery?
  • What types of injuries have you suffered?
  • What are your financial losses?
  • Who is the at-fault party?
  • Will you be able to return to work?
  • What does your pain and suffering look like?

An experienced York personal injury attorney can also impact the calculation. Some lawyers are much better skilled than others at negotiating a settlement, for instance.

How Long Do I Have To File a Lawsuit After an Accident in South Carolina?

South Carolina has a three-year statute of limitations that applies to most cases. Generally, you have three years from the date of your injury to file a lawsuit. The court can dismiss your case if you are too late, so it is critical you file on time.

However, the time limit for your case may be different (whether shorter or longer). There are exceptions to this law in some circumstances. Contact our personal injury lawyers as soon as you can to get help.

What Damages Are Available to York Accident Victims?

There are three types of damages you can technically recover in a South Carolina personal injury case, but only two of them are available in most situations. Economic and non-economic damages are almost always an option, and punitive damages might be in rare cases.

Economic damages are for your financial losses, such as:

  • Medical bills and equipment, current/future
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • In-home services
  • Rehabilitation and therapy
  • Diminished earning capacity

Non-economic damages represent your subjective kinds of losses, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Inconvenience and disability
  • Conditions like PTSD, anxiety
  • Loss of consortium
  • Scarring and disfigurement

Punitive damages require stronger evidence, and you must also demonstrate that the other party acted egregiously – such as with an intent to cause you harm. These damages are also capped under the law and your case must go to trial for them to be awarded.

What if I’m Partially at Fault for the Accident?

In South Carolina, you can still recover compensation if you are partially at fault. However, you cannot be 51% or more at fault per the state’s “modified comparative negligence” law.

If you are 50% or less at fault, you can still receive damages, but they can be reduced. For example, sharing 25% of the blame would reduce your damages by that percentage.

A knowledgeable personal injury lawyer can help you out a lot in this area. They can work to ensure you aren’t assigned more blame than is fair so that as much compensation goes into your pocket as possible.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Most York personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. They do not charge upfront fees, by the hour, or even a flat rate. Your lawyer only receives payment for their work if they successfully handle your case.

In most circumstances, your attorney’s fees will be around 33 to 40% of the jury verdict or settlement agreement your lawyer secures for you. The percentage varies depending on the case, but you’ll know what to expect ahead of time.

This payment method can benefit you as well as your personal injury lawyer. You can hire any attorney you want without regarding your financial situation, and your lawyer will be incentivized in your favor.

State PI Laws Brief Overview

A few aspects of South Carolina personal injury law are likely to impact most cases, so they are worth paying extra attention to. These include:

  • South Carolina is an “at-fault” state for car insurance. Instead of being limited to your own insurance, you can take action against the other driver.
  • Like many states, South Carolina has “modified comparative negligence” rules in place. This means you can still get money if you share some fault for your injuries, but you can’t be mostly at fault.
  • In most cases, you have three years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit in a court of law. This is a strict deadline with only a few exceptions, so it is best to contact a lawyer as soon as you can.

If you have any questions about these or other components of state personal injury law, reach out for a free case assessment. 

What Is Negligence?

Negligence is a legal term meaning “carelessness.” It is also the basis of most York personal injury claims. Essentially, a person commits negligence when they do not behave like a hypothetical “reasonable person” would behave in similar circumstances.

There are four legal elements to establish negligence liability:

  • Duty of care
  • Breach of duty
  • Causation (proximate and factual)
  • Damages

Our experienced personal injury lawyers are adept at proving even the most advanced kinds of negligence cases. We are confident we can help you with your case as well.

How Do You Prove Negligence?

As the accident victim, you have the “burden of proof” to establish your claim. For negligence claims, many types of evidence can count, such as:

  • Medical records
  • Financial documents
  • Physical evidence
  • Photos and videos
  • Eyewitness reports
  • Expert analysis and testimony
  • Surveillance camera footage

Each legal element of negligence must be supported “by a preponderance of the evidence.” That means each must be at least 51% likely correct. 

Will My Case Go to Trial?

Most personal injury cases in York do not go to trial. The most likely outcome is a settlement agreement that is negotiated out of court. That said, our lawyers ensure that each case is prepared for the trial stage because that is what is best for our clients.

Sometimes, filing a lawsuit is actually a good thing for your case. If the opposing party doesn’t offer a fair agreement, for instance, our lawyers might take them to court. We will then gather more information – and possibly crucial evidence – via the pretrial discovery process.

Trials also take resources that the other party might not want to dedicate – and that is especially true if they know you have a successful trial attorney on your side. 

What Should I Do After an Accident in York?

Keep in mind the following so that you can protect your legal rights and interests following an accident in York:

  • Call 911 and alert the police of the crash. They’ll arrive and write a police report that can be helpful for your case. You might also be required by law to take this step, but it’s a good idea regardless.
  • Exchange insurance and contact information with the other people involved in the accident.
  • Cooperate with what happens in the aftermath, but do not apologize or accept blame. If you do, it might hurt the eventual success of your claim.
  • If it is safe to do so, collect evidence from the accident scene. This might mean taking photographs and videos as well as noting information from eyewitnesses.
  • Receive medical treatment promptly, with or without a clear injury. Not every injury will show symptoms immediately, and medical records can be vital pieces of evidence.

Next, set up a free consultation with a York personal injury attorney. Your lawyer will be able to advise you on how to proceed with the specifics of your case in mind.

Who Could Be Liable for My Injuries After an Accident?

In essence, almost anyone could be liable for your accident injuries in York. These include individual persons, businesses, and even government entities. If there is someone you can identify who contributed to causing your injuries, there’s at least a chance that might be held liable.

Of course, understanding liability is not an easy concept in many situations. That’s why our personal injury attorneys are here to help you. Our job is to take care of your legal claim so that you can work on your health and well-being. Call today to schedule your free case evaluation.

How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

Personal injury cases in York take varying amounts of time to resolve. Each case has unique facts and circumstances, so each will play out on its own timeline to some extent. Various factors can impact your case in this regard, such as:

  • Are there complicated issues?
  • Is liability in dispute?
  • Do you need to file a lawsuit?
  • Will your case go to trial?
  • Have you reached maximum medical improvement (MMI)?

The above are just a few examples to consider. When you contact our lawyers for a free case review, we can give you additional insight into this topic.

Were you or a loved one injured in an accident in York, SC? Compensation may be available from the at-fault party, and Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys is here to assist you and your family.

Our York personal injury lawyers are some of the most successful in the state, having already recovered over $100 million for deserving accident victims. We will work just as hard to get you favorable results.

Contact us today for your completely free initial consultation.