Lancaster Personal Injury Lawyer

Were you involved in an accident in Lancaster, SC? Contact Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys for help recovering fair compensation. Call our law office today for a free case review at (803) 902-7065.

In just one second, everything can change.

It can start out as a day like any other. You’re going about your business when suddenly, you slip and fall. Or maybe you get into a car accident or use a product that is dangerous or defective. These can all result in injuries that can change your life forever.

If you are injured, it’s important to seek legal help as soon as possible. A Lancaster personal injury lawyer can see to it that you get the compensation you deserve.

What is a Personal Injury in South Carolina?

In legal terms, personal injury claims can include any of the following:

  • Workplace Accidents
  • Car Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents
  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Negligent Security Assaults and Batteries
  • Premises Liability Cases
  • Dangerous and Defective Products
  • Nursing Home Injuries
  • Social Security Disability
  • Wrongful Death

While not all of these incidents result in severe injuries all the time, many do. If you were injured and are entitled to compensation, consult an experienced Lancaster personal injury lawyer to see that justice is served. Not sure if your injury is severe enough that you can build a strong case? The right attorney will help you determine that as well.

How the Right Attorney Can Help You

If you have been severely injured, there is no doubt that you will be upset. You are probably wondering how to move forward and may feel a bit overwhelmed.

Contacting a Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer is the best move you can make. They will help so that your financial losses are covered and take some of the stress off your shoulders.

Here’s how a Lancaster Personal Injury attorney can work for you

Deal with Insurance: Going through an insurance company can be difficult. Their main objective is to give you as little compensation as possible. A good Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer will know how to deal with insurance companies so you get the compensation you deserve.

Find the At-Fault Party: In personal injury cases, it can be difficult to determine who is at fault. It may be an individual who exhibited negligent behavior. If a product was faulty, or there were unsafe conditions surrounding the accident, the at-fault party may be a company who did not follow correct safety procedures. A good Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer will target the person or organization that is responsible.

Gather Evidence: When you are injured, there are certain steps that are recommended for you to take as far as gathering evidence like taking pictures and talking to witnesses. However, this can be hard to do if you are in pain and upset.

A Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer will help you to gather the evidence you need to build your case. However, the sooner he or she can gather the evidence the better. That’s why it’s important to seek legal aid as soon as possible.

Also, be aware that there is a three-year statute of limitations on seeking compensation for a personal injury. This is another reason why it is best to act fast.

Talk to Friends and Family: A good Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer will also talk to friends and family to further assess your condition. Those that are close to you will help to paint an accurate picture of how your injury has affected you, financially, physically and emotionally.

Manage All Communications with At Fault Parties and Insurance Companies: When you are injured, the last thing you need is any additional stress. Talking to at-fault parties can cause unwanted stress and upset. What’s more, if you say the wrong thing, it could end up hurting your case.

Leave all this to an experienced Lancaster personal injury lawyer. He or she will negotiate with the at-fault parties and see to it that justice is served.

Take Your Case to Court if Necessary: If you are injured, it is likely that you may get a settlement offer from the at-fault party or insurance company. While accepting a settlement can be a good way to stay out of the courtroom, you want to make sure you don’t take a lowball offer.

A Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer will help negotiate the terms of your settlement to make sure you are fairly compensated. If it becomes necessary to take the case to court, he or she will represent you there as well.

What Compensation Can I Get for a Lancaster Personal Injury?

Another thing your Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer will do is assess your injuries to determine how they will affect your future financially. He or she will consider all expenses and income lost due to the injuries. That way, your Lancaster Personal Injury lawyer can make sure you are getting the compensation you deserve.

Compensation for a personal injury can cover the following:

  • Medical expenses including those related to the accident and those you may have in the future.
  • Loss of income.
  • Disability and disfigurement.
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering.

Finding the Right Lawyer for Your Lancaster Personal Injury Claim

If you suffered a personal injury and feel you are due compensation from an at-fault party, finding the right Lancaster personal injury lawyer should be a priority.

The Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys has a staff of legal professionals with years of experience in the field of personal injury. Their caring and competent attorneys can help you determine at-fault parties, gather evidence and make sure you are getting the compensation you deserve. Best of all, they offer free, no-obligation consultations and can travel to your location if you are unable to come to theirs.

Getting a personal injury is never pleasant but having the right attorney on your side can make the experience a lot easier to deal with. Call Elrod Pope Accident & Injury Attorneys today to find out how his group of caring professionals can take the weight of a legal battle off your shoulders, so you can focus on what’s truly important… healing.